The shop is where you can purchase items to upgrade your avatar. Each item has a cost in fancy coins and a prompt that will be modified in your avatar image generation.
You can only purchase items if you have enough fancy coins and meet any badge requirements if listed on the card. Items are available for a limited time.
Your avatar image is generated via AI. The prompt to the AI is built from 6 parts: base prompt, helmet, jersey, pants, shoes, and stance. Each part is generated separately and combined to create your avatar.
Purchasing an item will modify one of these parts. The AI will generate a new image based on the modified prompt. It may, however, change other parts of your avatar as well. There are no guarantees with how
AI will generate your image. Your current avatar will be used as a basis for the AI to modify.
The AI will generate two images. You will get to choose which image you want to keep and use as your avatar. You can change back to previous avatars via your profile.
Warning: images are generated via AI and there's no guarantee these items will show up as intended on your avatar. However, you may stumble upon greatness with the AI's missteps! No refunds of fancy coins, sorry.